Sunday, May 17, 2009
7:46 PM ●

Hi Hi I love myself and myself and myself...... and mostly GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha this is probably the last time i am going to post so ya...
Sunday, August 31, 2008
6:15 AM ● HIYO!!!! Once again

HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! vey long haven't post already today got time so post lor. Two things want to talk about today . Firstly i want to talk about school.My marks very low ten. only my English. and Chinese improve My maths got only fifty four. science only got section A. Got thirty eight out of sixty. Secong thing is that today is the family service thingy. very fun sia The speaker Very funny i love today! very fun. oh ya one more thing 2moro need to go to school. I think only Miss goh extend until four days.

Love Ya ! Jia Yan
Saturday, August 2, 2008
8:50 AM ● Best day of my life!!!!!!

Hello! Once again can blog lar! so long haven't blog liao!Today is the i think third best day of my life. It was super fun at the buffet lar but not the whole team was there some couldn't make it some didn't 1 to come. So fun lar wanted to do the ghost disappearing thingy but got no time lar so wasted lar . anyways we had so much fun!!!! I loved the souviner aunty may and teacher lydia gave us sOOOOOO nice !! lurve it Then also got the netball and the star (glow in the dark!) Then at nite go jiu jiu house and talk to charmaine so fun(dun tell u wat we talk about its a secret!)Anyways it is soOoOoO fun lor ha ha Todae leanne was an ursher she wore a chakered skirt so short lar she never would wear a skirt she would neva wear a skirt unless she is forced to like ushering but if we force her to wear she would neva ever ever wear it. todae also like quite boring cause got alot of hw also my sis, kat and hella took a dissapearing vedio Emily took it so funny and cute. Will try to post it on the blog. so funny you should really see it very cool.Emily so funny got so many ideas anyhow one got many 'brillant' ideas. Anyways ta ta for now.
Monday, July 21, 2008
3:53 AM ● Hi....... Once again

Hellos again todae can blog again 'cause mummy at leanne's house then i come down early... I am so happy lor... not todae racial harmony then our picture montage so damn nice then 6p won lor but didnt get to see their picture montage. So little hw todae lor dunno why maybe because of racial harmony day.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
7:55 PM ●

Hello!!!!!!! Now got time to blog mummy say must stay at home to do revision i WaNt To Go To ChUrCh!!!!!! not fair lor!!!! looking forward to yes 5 i wan kat,tiff, olivia and liz to go .now mummy at church so can blog haha but anyway it wont take long lar so neva mind la ( hope mummy wont see this haha=))still got alot of hw to do leh dun feel like doing really feel like playing netball lol like sOoOoOoOoOoOoOo long havent play i wan training now nobody go down in the morning to play netball anymore. Next saturday miss seng going to give us(seniors) extra sup class then can at the same time go play netball kat said in chinese class that she wan to train the P4s .

Anyways enough for todae bb!!!!JiA yAn
9:45 AM ●

Hello!!!!!!!! SoOoOoOoOo LoNg time never post already lol...So busy sai everyday stayback for sup classes no time to post lol...SoOoOoOoOo happy they won the finals on wednesday can keep the cup foreverand ever and ever and ever...So damn tired these few days lor but now mdnight so damn hyper...todae have to do so much hw lor!!!!!! feel like going east coast park, so bored now monday racial harmony still got sup class lah. feel like going for training leh i miss it so much just after a while i LURVE... training lol

Have to go now bye bye,JiA yAn
Sunday, October 7, 2007
5:56 AM ● Hi... Again

Hiyo!!!! Today may be my last time writing in the week. Nothing much to talk . Mrs Wah got high fever. Never come. Always happen during exam period.Soo got less homework Why can't I write??????? Study 1 answer.

Byes!!!. Jia Yan


( Run to the city. )